William Carey, Thomas Krueger, Armin Wedler, Kjetil Wormnes, Jessica Grenouilleau, Edmundo Ferreira, Kim Nergaard, Frank van der Hulst, Emiel den Exter, Levin Gerdes, others
METERON Analog-1: A Touch Remote.
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC.
Nick Cox, Dovi Poznanski, Yarden Eilat-Bloch, Albert Zijlstra, Iain McDonald, Alejandro Recio-Blanco, Angelo Pio Rossi, Giacomo Nodjoumi, Manuela Rauch, Vedran Sabol, others
EXPLORE-Innovative Scientific Data Exploration and Exploitation Applications for Space Sciences.
SciOps 2022: Artificial Intelligence for Science and Operations in Astronomy (SCIOPS). Proceedings of the ESA/ESO SCOPS Workshop held 16-20 May.
Nick Cox, Angelo Pio Rossi, Giacomo Nodjoumi, Dovi Poznanski, Yarden Eilat-Bloch, Alejandra Recio-Blanco, Albert Zijlstra, Iain McDonald, Manuela Rauch, Vedran Sabol, others
EXPLORE-Innovative Scientific Data Exploration and Exploitation Applications for (Planetary) Space Sciences.
Andrea Naß, M Massironi, Angelo Rossi, L Penasa, Riccardo Pozzobon, Carlos Brandt, G Nodjoumi, Monica Pondrelli, V Galluzzi, Francesca Altieri, others
Streamlining European Mapping Efforts: the Geologic Mapping of Planetary Bodies (GMAP).
Andrea Nass, Matteo Massironi, Angelo Rossi, Luca Penasa, Riccardo Pozzobon, Carlos Brandt, Giacomo Nodjoumi, Monica Pondrelli, Valentina Galluzzi, F Altieri, others
GMAP: European Mapping efforts for Geologic Mapping of Planetary bodies.